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Authors interviewed.

Listen to the authors in a virtual discussion about the process of creating this series, prompted by Jon's son Sam, who joined the campaign fifteen years ago, and who now runs his own. The relaxed conversation runs over two half hour episodes, and the music is provided by Jon's eldest son, Harry - another player! Harry's Eynhallow-inspired work will also feature on the audiobook. This conversation presumes some basic knowledge of D&D (Dungeons and Dragons), so if you want to briefly clue yourself up on what that is, click here first.

Interview Part 1 - Including the origins of the campaign
Interview Part 2 - Including the writing process
Eynhallow-inspired music
Jonathan recording the book
audiobook completed.

Over two of his precious trips to England from the Isle of Man, Jon joined me to add his character voices to our audio version of Lagar. We recorded at my home studio in West Berkshire, where I often provide narration for other people's stories.

As you will have gathered from the website, many of the characters in this tale have been in our heads for 35+ years, and it was very important to me that some of them sounded exactly like they first did when Jon gave breath to their words in the game.

While I am a little more used to sitting in front of a microphone for hours and hours, Jon had a lot of work to do and it was a joy to see him in the studio conjuring Bretz-Eye one moment, Matrion the next, or Denedron with his oddly Lyran accent - to which Jon gives a classic Celtic lean!

It's always a challenge to produce memorable characters when an epic series like this one will contain so many, but we hope you enjoy the choices we have made and that you will be able to let the tale provide some pleasurable escape from this world, at least for a while.

Find out where you can listen to it here

Here's a link to other books and voice work Mike has recorded.

Mike in his studio
The authors in Scotland
Inspiration in Scotland.

As you may have gathered, The Chronicles of Eynhallow has been a long endeavour. Jonathan and Mike have collaborated in a variety of places, including London, Liverpool, Chester, on The Isle of Man, on holidays in France and the UK, as well as on numerous virtual calls.

Here we are working in Scotland in the most beautiful holiday home 'Sobrachan' , which we visited with our families for an adventurous week away back in 2022. As you can just make out, the stunning house overlooks the appropriately named Loch Awe, and it was here we had the first conversation with our publisher about how the process would work. It is no accident that long hikes in such appropriate countryside contribute greatly to the creative process and we are seldom happier than when rambling along while preparing twists to the tales to come, and then sitting down to a big family feast with a game of something to follow.