Elven ambassador; gave his sword of the same name to Balladir; sails upon the vessel Scindara
Known as The Wizard of the Winds; brother of Melik
Innkeeper of The Angel's Rest in Avansalle
Elf; Lord of the Neutral Plane; lover of Ylvere Moloch
King of the Elves
Human; Leader of The Oissin
Thirteenth Bard of the Elves
Scintillian general; aka 'The Bear'
Three leaders from The Western Isles, named Rei, Balkein and Febril
Wizard Lord of Lyra
Dwarven artist
Elven archer and furniture-maker
Fol Pirrinar; Balladir's 'familiar' companion
Wizard Lord of Lyra
First of the Elven Bards
Elven Sailor
Former Queen of the Elves and wife of Auryola; mother of Lazuli; close companion to Balladir
A group of sorcerers aligned to Zurkoda
Scintillian general
Brother of Druardan; Ierax Archer of Lyra
Elf of Lyra; archer; aka ‘The Kid’
Elven warrior
Brother of Darrian; Ierax Archer of Lyra
Shapechanger from The Neutral Plane
Dwarven Prince of Lagar
Secretive dwarven clan
Former Queen of the Elves; wife of Aureola (deceased)
Elven Wizard Lord
Human necromancer
Elven explorer
Priest of the First Light
One of the Soulless
Race of small, shy, humanlike people, renowned for magic
Dwarven craftsman; trusted companion to Arreldor
Elven Prince; son of Aureola and Elodath
Elf; friend of Balladir; from The Tower of Sulkram on The Elven Isle
Former Lover of Ylvere Moloch
Lord Commander of the Dwarven Royal Guard
Dwarven Chieftain of Lydale
Leader of the monks of Corsira
Dwrven cleric (deceased)
Ancient race of artificers; warred with both the elves and dwarves
Elite Lyran archer/rangers
Famous swordsmith
Commander of the elven Forces
Dwarven Princes of Lagar
Scintillian general
Steward of Lydale
Dwarven warrior
Elven son of Solian and Che D'elar
Dwarven soldier of the Darkfell Clan
Lord of the Oceans
Servant to Rees Heller; ambassador for The Western Isles
Dwarven Lord of Battle (deceased)
Elf; specialist in demonic lore
Warrior of the Oissin
Warrior of The First Light
Scintillian general
Dwarven Prince of Lagar
The Seven Generals of Scintillia
Known as The Wizard of the Water; brother of Allaganth
Elf; son of Seriema, elven courtier
King of the Lyran Elves
Mage from Orafarne
One of the Lords of the West; estate based near Avansalle; a wealthy horse-breeder
Human; gatekeeper of 'The Portal'
Scintillian general
Elf; father of Ortolan; elven courtier
Half-Elven warrior (deceased)
Halfling (deceased)
Enigmatic assitant to the Lord of the Neutral Plane
Twelfth Bard of the Elves
Monk of Corsira
Monk of Corsira
Sorceress from Orafarne
Elven mage
Elven Wizard Lord
Ancient human tribe of Corsira
Elven Horse Master
Dwarf; a captain of the Royal Guard
Scintillian general
Ancient Elf; lover of Arreldor
One of the Soulless
One of the Soulless