Frequently asked questions

Balladir is the thirteenth Bard of the Elves. He bears responsibility for gathering and sharing tales that will enrich the cultural wealth of his people. This volume recounts the history of his voyage to Lagar, home of the Dwarves, where he finds an island invaded by a force from the neighbouring Starlands, a force which threatens not only to divide and overwhelm the Dwarven people, but to herald the arrival of something far worse.

Together with a handful of strangers, Balladir's skills with magic, music and blade will be called upon to aid the Dwarves. But who among this small group can be trusted? And how will Balladir balance the Dwarves' needs against his own ability to survive the political and religious turmoil erupting around them? With powerful allies on one side and violent betrayals on the other, Balladir will learn that the world stretches wider and holds more secrets than the Bards before him had ever realised.

It's available from all the main online stores or you can support your local bookshop and ask them to order it for you.
It can also be ordered direct from our publisher, Pegasus.

Below are links to some of the online stores stocking the paperback, but there are lots more so check out your favourite if not listed here.

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The audiobook is available to buy from most online retailers, including via the following links:

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Some of these sites will let you listen for free as a trial member.
It may also be available from your local library's audio archive or online platforms, particularly if you put in a request. This may save you from having to pay for it and will give others access to it too, though of course we would be delighted if you bought it to keep!

Please leave us a review once you have listened. We would welcome any feedback or responses to our work. You can contact us here.

You can find out more about the recording here.

As soon as we secure a publishing deal. But rest assured it's on its way.
All eight books are planned in detail and much of the adventure in the second tale is already set down in print...

There are eight novels planned in the series, but who knows, we might be encouraged to write some spin-off stories and we have ideas for further books in the world we've come to know as Eynhallow.

Volume 2 - Lyra
Volume 3 - Sanctuary
Volume 4 - Scintillia
Volume 5 - Grane
Volume 6 - Lazuli
Volume 7 - God's Eye
Volume 8 - The Open Fort
(Please note, these are all provisional titles, until we confirm with the publisher)

'Eyn' sounds like 'eye', and rhymes with 'mine', and 'hallow' rhymes with 'shallow'.
Please get in touch if you have any other pronunciation questions.

Now that would be telling. You wouldn't really expect such an easy answer. All we will say is that Balladir more or less makes it through all of them... and it's the more or less that becomes interesting. He gathers a lot of friends and allies, some of whom journey with him for longer than others. Together they make some fearsome and tenacious enemies too.

We have reserved a very limited number of signed copies that we are selling at the RRP of £14.99. If you email us directly using we will reply with payment details if there are any left, and to arrange the postage.
Free Chronicles of Eynhallow bookmarks too!

Yes! Here's our Instagram link.

Jon has written a short piece answering that question on the history page.

Dungeons & Dragons is the world's most popular tabletop roleplaying game, originally created and designed by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson in 1974.
The core of D&D is about storytelling. A group of players tell a collective story, guiding heroes through dangerous quests to search for treasure, battle deadly foes, and solve challenging predicaments. The adventure itself is only limited by the imagination of the players around the table. All that you really need to get started is a group of friends, a few supplies, and a good Dungeon Master (DM).
While lots of people continued to play the game, over the years it's popularity waned for a while, until a starring role in the TV series 'Stranger Things' brought it back into mainstream culture.
Find out more here.

Yes, we do. We play regularly online now, as most of the current players live a long way from each other.
Jon is still rolling the famous Killer D20.

Cheeky. But yes, you're probably right. Some people think it's very geeky, or very childish. They don't know what we know. They should read these books, eh?

Well, Jon essentially created the world in which we played our very long campaign. Mike kept a record of what happened from the point he started playing in the late 1980's. From those extensive notes, Mike began fleshing out the narrative and by the time it was clear we potentially had a series of books, we spent a long time talking through the respective plots, which characters and adventures to keep, which to lose, which characters might appear at different times just to enrich the story and the arc of the overall series, and so on. We even changed the gender of some of the main characters, and many of the names (including Balladir, incidentally).
Mike does most of the actual writing but he runs everything past Jon for consistency and constructive criticism, and Jon adds to it with better ideas and enthusiasm! Mike sometimes asks Jon to write his description of a character or a place or an item and includes that wherever possible. It's been a joyous and productive collaboration, and would never have happened without both of us putting in a lot of time.

Some of the events prior to Balladir's voyage to Lagar are touched upon in the book. Once you have read it, we would be happy to hear from you with any specific questions.
Other questions may also be answered in the subsequent novels, of course. Time occasionally proves malleable in this world Jon created.

The authors would like to thank their good friend Keith Darby for his generous work and time in creating this website. Yes, he's also one of the players!